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HSBC HOLDINGS PLC – Second Interim Dividend for 2023

11 September 2023

Hamilton, Bermuda —11 September 2023 – In a filing with the Bermuda Stock Exchange (“BSX”), HSBC Holdings plc (Ticker: HSBC.BH) announces a Second Interim Dividend for 2023. The full filing stated:




On 1 August 2023, the Directors of HSBC Holdings plc approved a second interim dividend in respect of the financial year ending 31 December 2023 of US$0.10 per ordinary share. The dividend is payable on 21 September 2023 to holders of record on 11 August 2023 on the Principal Register in the United Kingdom, the Hong Kong Overseas Branch Register or the Bermuda Overseas Branch Register. The dividend is payable in cash in United States dollars, sterling or Hong Kong dollars, or a combination of these currencies.

Dividends payable in cash in Hong Kong dollars or sterling were converted from United States dollars at the forward exchange rates quoted by HSBC Bank plc in London at or about 11.00 am on 11 September 2023 (US$1=HK$7.832018 and £1=US$1.253445). Accordingly, the cash dividend payable on 21 September 2023 will be:

US$0.10 per share;

approximately HK$0.783202 per share; or

approximately £0.079780 per share.

For holders of American Depositary Shares ('ADSs'), each of which represents five ordinary shares, the cash dividend payable will be US$0.50 per ADS. It will be paid on 21 September 2023.

For and on behalf of

HSBC Holdings plc


Aileen Taylor

Group Company Secretary and Chief Governance Officer




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