The BSX, as the designated CUSIP/ISIN Numbering Agent for Bermuda, issues CUSIP/ISIN numbers for all securities/issues registered and/or domiciled in Bermuda.
In general, CUSIP numbers refer to issues typically of North American origin whereas ISIN numbers typically refer to all other/international issues.
CUSIP/ISIN numbers, are essential for securities that are traded and settled through global securities markets and clearing institutions.
CUSIP/ISIN numbers for securities registered/domiciled in Bermuda are identified by the prefix “BM“ and followed by 10 characters, for example: BMG123456789.
The BSX, in cooperation with CUSIP Global Services (managed by FactSet Research Systems Inc on behalf of the American Bankers Associaition), is the exclusive contact for the issuance of an identification number for securities/issues registered or domiciled in Bermuda.
Standard turnaround time of 48 hours for a Bermudian ISIN/CUSIP: $340 per security per class.
Faster requests (4 to 6 hour return of confirmation): $470 per security per class.
The Classification of Financial Instruments (CFI) and Financial Instrument Short Name (FISN) are included at no additional cost.
To apply for a CUSIP/ISIN, please forward an email with the following details to
The BSX will return a confirmation from CUSIP Global Services as your receipt. The confirmation will outline the CUSIP, ISIN and abbreviated description of the security along with the security's CFI and FISN codes.
For more information on the issuance of CUSIP/ISIN numbers, please contact the Operations Department at
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