Century House,
16 Par-la-Ville Road,

Tel: 441 292 7478
Fax: 441 295 4164
Email: drc@cml.bm
BSX Currency: USD
ISIN: BMG4558D1020
CUSIP: G4558D102

The Fund was incorporated on 19 February 2010 in Bermuda as a limited liability company under the Bermuda Companies Act 1981, as amended, with registered number 44004.

The Fund's objective is to achieve long-term capital growth by investing either directly, or indirectly through selected funds or investment managers, in a strategically determined mix of global fixed income securities, equity securities, derivative securities, currencies and other investment assets with an emphasis on long term growth. Where investment is made by the Fund into other funds, these funds will be relevant to the investment strategy of the Fund, will be in a variety of legal forms and may be located anywhere in the world.

The Fund may invest into other MAM Funds or Aurum Funds where consistent with its objectives (see pages 15-16 of the Prospectus for further comment on objectives, style, programme and strategy).

The Fund may use overall leverage up to a maximum of 30% of the total assets of the Fund from time to time for the general investment purposes of the Fund and to take advantage of favourable investment opportunities which are available only for a limited period of time; to enhance capital growth; or to facilitate redemptions. Underlying investment vehicles in which the Fund invests may also use leverage.

The Promoter and the Investment Adviser of the Fund is Aurum MAM Fund Management Ltd. which provides investment advice to the Fund. The Promoter beneficially holds all general voting shares of the Fund and will thus control the Fund.

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