Trafalgar Court, Les Banques, St. Peter Port, Guernsey GYI 3QL, Channel Islands.

Tel: +44 (0)14 8174 5315
BSX Ticker: BHGG


About BH Global Limited

BH Global Limited is a closed-ended investment company, registered and incorporated in Guernsey on 25 February 2008 (Registration Number: 48555).

BH Global Limited invests all of its assets (net of short-term working capital) in the ordinary shares of Brevan Howard Global Opportunities Master Fund Limited ("BHGOMF")..BH Global Limited was admitted to the Official List of the UK Listing Authority and to trading on the Main Market of the London Stock Exchange on 29 May 2008.

BHGOMF is an exempted company incorporated with limited liability in the Cayman Islands as an exempted limited liability company on 3 March 2008..BHGOMF will invest in a variety of other investment funds which are managed or investment managed by one or more of the Brevan Howard group of affiliated entities in order to provide exposure to a range of strategies, asset classes and geographies that fall within Brevan Howard's investment activities from time to time.

Shares in the company trade under the following tickers:

Currency ClassTickerSEDOLISIN
US Dollar denominated shares BHGU B2QQBS8 GG00B2QQPS89
Sterling denominated shares BHGG B2QQPT9 GG00B2QQPT96
Euro denominated shares BHGE B2QQPM2



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