c/o Helix Investment Management S.L.P.
89e Parc d’activités
L-8308 Capellen
Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

Tel: 352 2 451 4867
Email: investors@helix.lu

The Issuer was incorporated as a Special Limited Partnership Company (société en commandite Spéciale) under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, having its registered office at 89e Parc d’Activités de Capellen - L8308 Mamer-Capellen and registered with the Luxembourg trade and companies register under number B-191334, on 17 October 2014. 

The Promissory Notes are senior secured obligations of the borrowers who will use the proceeds to expand their lending activities and in particular in providing short term loans in the United States of America.


Investments may be made by "well-informed investors", which are defined as: Institutional investors and professional investors; or any individual investor if they invest a *minimum equivalent amount of €125,000 (US Persons are excluded from the offering).


The estimated market capitalization consists of:

$400,000,000 Tranche A Euro Medium Term Notes

£100,000,000 Tranche B Euro Medium Term Notes

€100,000,000 Tranche C Euro Medium Term Notes

Listing is  under the provisions for restricted marketing*.



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