Totalserve Trust Company Limited, 197 Main Street, P.O. Box 3540, Road Town, Tortola, British Virgin Islands

Tel: 0027 11 486 2424

Zeno Capital Ltd. was incorporated and registered in the BVI on January 21, 2011 (#1628131) as a closed ended Investment Company under the provisions of the law governing public funds.Zeno (Ireland) Fund “ZIF” is a wholly owned subsidiary of Zeno, domiciled in Ireland. The Company was incorporated as an investment Company with variable capital and limited liability on 22 December 2014, registration number 555049 and was authorised by the Central Bank of Ireland (the “Central Bank”) pursuant to Part XXIV of the Companies Act 2014 under reference number C135754.


The Company is categorised as a qualifying investor alternative investment fund ("QIAIF") and is governed by the Central Bank's AIF Rulebook. The Company may accept subscriptions only from Qualifying Investors under the current rules of the Central Bank.


The Company is structured as an umbrella fund with segregated liability between its Funds. Each Fund of the Company represents a single portfolio of assets and, pursuant to the Prospectus, may have one or more class of shares. The assets of each Fund will belong exclusively to that Fund and will not be used to discharge directly or indirectly the liabilities of or claims against any other Fund. The Funds may be constituted as open-ended or closed-ended or open-ended with limited liquidity.


The Company currently has one Fund, Zeno (Ireland) Fund I (the “Fund”).

Zeno Capital Limited €26,000,000 in aggregate principal amount of 8% Fixed Rate Subordinate Notes due 31 March 2024



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