138 Market Street #07-02
CapitaGreen, Singapore 048946

BSX Currency: USD

Integrity Re II Pte. Ltd., a special purpose reinsurance vehicle incorporated in Singapore (with company registration number: 202006154H) with its registered office at 138 Market Street #07-02 CapitaGreen, Singapore 048946, as defined in the Insurance (General Provisions and Exemptions for Special Purpose Reinsurance Vehicles) Regulations 2018, licensed under section 8 of the Singapore Insurance Act (Chapter 142), each as may be amended from time to time. The Series 2020-1 Notes”), which are exposed to the perils of Named Stormsaffecting the Subject Business in the Covered Area on a cascadingper occurrence basis with an event adjusted attachment level duringeach Annual Risk Period.


Integrity Re II Pte. Ltd., Principal At-Risk Variable Rate Notes Program;


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