Waterloo House,
100 Pitts Bay Road,
HM 08, Bermuda.

CUSIP: 31575FAB2


Fidelis Insurance Holdings Limited., is an exempted company which was incorporated and registered in Bermuda on 22nd August 2014 with registration number 49414. The principal executive office is Waterloo House, 100 Pitts Bay Road, Pembroke HM 08, Bermuda. The Group is a (re)insurance group that underwrites insurance and reinsurance business in multiple risk classes, including credit and political risk, property, energy, marine and aviation, guided by what we refer to as our “four-pillars” underwriting strategy. The four pillars are as follows: (1) the Bespoke pillar, which is composed primarily of premium income from transactional liabilities, cyber, credit and political risk, political violence, and certain other niche bespoke lines; (2) the Reinsurance pillar, which is comprised primarily of premium income from natural catastrophe reinsurance, property retrocession, and certain composite or multi-class business; (3) the Specialty pillar, which is comprised primarily of premium income from aviation, energy, marine, and property direct and facultative (“D&F”) lines of business; and (4) the Socium (or partnerships) pillar, which is comprised primarily of fee income derived from catastrophe quota shares, as well as Bespoke and Specialty quota shares, placed with collateralized and rated reinsurance partners, management of third party vehicle capital, and our managing general agent (“MGA”) platform.

Fidelis Insurance Holdings Limited US$20,000,000 144A - 6.625% fixed-rate reset junior subordinated notes due April 1, 2041; - Listed October 21, 2020

CUSIP No. 144A: 31575F AB2  

ISIN No. 144A: US31575FAB22

Principal Amount U.S.$20,000,000



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