411 The Hills,
Buchanan Square, 160 Sir Lowry Road,
Woodstock, Cape Town,
South Africa, 7925.

BSX Currency: USD

Maitlantic Investment Proprietary Limited was incorporated under the Companies Law in the Republic of South Africa as a private company with limited liability on 8 September 2010 with the registered number 2010/018359/07, originally under the name of RAPITRADE 622 (PROPRIETARY) LIMITED and its registered office address is at 411 The Hills, Buchanan Square, 160 Sir Lowry Road, Woodstock, Cape Town, South Africa, 7925.

The Issuer is a wholly owned subsidiary of IG EMI Holdings Proprietary Limited (IG EMI). IG EMI is a wholly owned subsidiary of the ultimate holding company for its Group, which predominantly focuses on real estate investment and development.

The Issuer is a capital raising vehicle for the Group, which will continue to look to raise further capital for the Group in order to fund further investments, specifically to finance investment into the Group's largest single investment comprising of an approximate 54% shareholding acquisition into Emira Property Fund Limited (Emira). The long term view is for the Issuer to increase its shareholding in Emira over the next five years, to approximately 70%.

Emira is a diversified real estate investment trust (REIT) company, with a property portfolio of predominantly South African assets, and a growing component of offshore assets. Emira listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange in November 2003, in the real estate investment trusts sector. In line with its strategic objectives, Emira’s property portfolio spans multiple sectors, namely office, retail and industrial, with a new element of residential.

IG EMI is a wholly owned subsidiary of Castleview Property Fund Limited (Castleview). Castleview is a property holding and investment company that was incorporated as a private company on 6 July 2017, converted into a public company on 2 November 2017 and listed as a retail REIT on the AltX of the JSE on 20 December 2017.

The ultimate holding company of Castleview Property Fund Limited is I Group Investments Proprietary Limited, registered in the Republic of South Africa.

Maitlantic Investment Proprietary Limited – Tranche #1 US$45,000,000 6% Unsecured Bond due 14 September 2031



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