c/o Appleby Global Listing Services (Bermuda) Ltd.,
Cannon’s Court,
22 Victoria Street,
Hamilton HM12.

BSX Currency: USD

 Ursa Re II Ltd.,is a Bermuda exempted company registered under the Bermuda Insurance Act 1978 and related regulations, each as amended, as a special purpose insurer. The Issuer was incorporated under the laws of Bermuda on September 9, 2020, and its one (1) issued common share is held pursuant to the terms of a Declaration of Trust dated March 30, 2020 by Appleby Global Trust Services (Bermuda) Ltd as Trustee of the Ursa Re II Ltd. Purpose Trust, a Bermuda purpose trust.

Ursa Re II Ltd., Series 2022-2 US$185,000,000 Series 2022-2 Class AA Principal-At-Risk Variable Rate Notes due December 6, 2025




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