This page provides announcements from The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX).

The Bermuda Stock Exchange - 2022 Year-End Review

10 February 2023

Hamilton, Bermuda — 10 February 2023 — The Bermuda Stock Exchange (BSX), a wholly owned subsidiary of Miami International Holdings, Inc., today reported its 2022 year-end results, with international debt listings and new listings of collateralised loan obligations (CLO) supporting growth.

“BSX reported another strong year in 2022,” said Greg Wojciechowski, President and CEO of BSX. “It was a challenging year for markets globally but our core listing business remained steady. Overall listings stood at a record level of 1,337 at year end, an increase of 3%. While international debt listing markets were slow in 2022, we managed to grow this segment by 14% and attracted collateralised loan obligations as a new asset class for the first time.”

 Click here to open the full press release


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