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Company Name
Global Voyager Funds Limited - Global Voyager Managed Balance Fund
Global Voyager Funds Limited - Global Voyager North American Founders Fund
Global Voyager Funds Limited - Global Voyager Preferred Equity Fund
Global Voyager Funds Limited - Global Voyager Small Cap Growth Fund
Hashdex Crypto Metaverse ETF
Hashdex DeFi Index ETF
Hashdex Nasdaq Bitcoin ETF
Hashdex Nasdaq Crypto Index ETF
Hashdex Nasdaq Ethereum ETF
Hashdex Smart Contract Platforms Index ETF
Highfield Fund Ltd
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Canadian Dollar Fund Class A
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Canadian Dollar Fund Class B
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Canadian Dollar Fund Class C
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Canadian Dollar Fund Class I
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Canadian Dollar Fund Class R
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Euro Fund Class A
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Euro Fund Class B
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Euro Fund Class C
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Euro Fund Class I
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Euro Fund Class R
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Sterling ESG Fund Class A
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Sterling ESG Fund Class A - Series AIS
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Sterling ESG Fund Class B
HSBC Corporate Money Funds - Sterling ESG Fund Class B - Series AIS

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